Wednesday 14 August 2013

I'm back!!!

Hello all!!

I'm back blogging about my projects and future plans but this time with a renewed focus!
I'm nearly 22 weeks pregnant and will be having a girl on 20th December this year so the crochet hock and knitting needles have been working overtime!

When we found out I was pregnant everything seemed to get put on hold. For people who read my other blog you will notice that my triathlon training took a nose dive around March/April as I didn't want to risk any complications.

Now that we've had our 20 week scan and have been given the thumbs up in regards to our baby's development I have been going into overdrive on the craft front.

I have completed my candy unicorn (picture to come) but need to remove the eyes and stitch some in for the baby. I've also been making Minions like there is no tomorrow for friends and family and have developed my own pattern so I can start to sell these online.

And that is my ultimate goal - no more messing around. I want to do this for a living so I'm designing patterns and improvising at the moment. Having the baby's nursery to sort out has given me massive inspiration with my knitting and crochet projects and I've also dabbled in some sewing and will be making some curtains and a lampshade for the nursery too.

I'm also in the process of making a patchwork quilt which baby can use when she is older but my favourite idea is to make a crochet blanket (probably not granny square as I want a closer stitch for warmth) which can be added to the older she gets until its big enough for her to use as an adult. I have this 'Walton's' picture of use crocheting additional rows together when she is a teenager :)

I've also been busy making Christmas presents as I doubt I will have time or money to do this later. I'd better not give too much away though as family members have a habit of reading this and I don't want to give anything away -I'll post pictures after Christmas :)

I'm glad to be back blogging and feeling inspired in a crafty way.

Claire x

Wednesday 13 March 2013

A little quiet....

I've been a little quiet on this blog for a while and anyone who follows my other blog will now why...... training for a triathlon really takes up your time and energy!!

Since my last blog I've been back in health and therefore my crochet/knitting has suffered but I am poorly again :( so I've taken up my wool and hook and am crocheting a unicorn!!!

Having a love all all things 'Despicable Me' I've decided to crochet a fluffy pink unicorn. So far I have 4 legs and a body but tonight I start on the head...... images to come soon I promise.

On the making my dream a career front.....well I've stalled. If I could earn the same money from my full time job but stay at home and create wonderful things I would but as is life I cannot so I am stuck trying to fit in a mini crochet in between work and training which as you can tell is not working.

I think I've done the very familiar Claire thing and tried to bite off more than I could chew and the result is I've knackered myself out. Lesson learned.

From now on I am looking at this as a hobby and a hobby only. Something to pick up when I have a spare afternoon or evening and enjoy it again. I was starting to dread my long list of tasks to do rather than relish in the thought of creating something wonderful.

I'm my uber organised manner I have planned in one evening and lunch time per week to crack on with the things I love to do......make purty things....... :)

I will keep you posted but for now x

Monday 18 February 2013

Rest, warmth and plenty of fluid.......

...... were my doctors orders last week :(

Yes the cold got worse. In fact it was sinusitis in the end which meant antibiotics and lots of rest.

On the crafting front this wasn't a bad thing as I cannot stand day time TV and so alternated sleep with reading and crafting.

As it was valentines day last week my husband and I decided to make/buy something for the house or garden. I decided to crochet a rose and make a paper cut card.
I had a little look online for rose patterns but couldn't find anything I liked so decided to create my own pattern. Now this will be appearing on this blog soon as I am just tweaking the pattern so it actually makes sense to people other than myself! I've got to say not only was it really easy and quick to do I absolutely love the end result!

The card was very fiddly to make and I had my first experience with a craft knife but I think it came out OK  My husband definitely loved both so that's all that matters.

I've also started on Woolly the Spider 2 for my friends other grandchild and attempted to make an iPhone cover from my own pattern which did not turn out well! Oh well you win some you lose some :)

On the business front I've been in contact with a local craft shop about selling my wares and will be meeting the owner on Saturday so fingers crossed that all goes well. I've also contacted Business Link about discussing a possible business idea but more on that another time.

My husbands very romantically whisked me off to Brighton as a Valentines Day treat as I am a massive Molly Makes fan and a issue or so ago they featured North Laine in Brighton as the hot spot for all things crafty and homemade. My husband must have been taking notes as I talked about possibly going sometime this year.
We had a wonderful little self catered apartment in Hove, about a 20 min walk to the pier and had 2 wonderful days of exploring hidden treasure troves in the Lanes and North Laine and eating far too much wonderful food.

I've come away with some gorgeous fabric, ribbons and buttons which now have a lovely home in my re organised craft space!

If you are looking for an ideal getaway destination for crafty inspiration and hidden treasures I cannot recommend Brighton enough.

Next on the radar is creating more patterns to try out. Since Brighton my mind has been racing with seaside inspiration so will let you see what I come up with soon.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The winter blues

Well the inevitable has happened and I have been hit with a winter cold. Apart from feeling sorry for myself and having no energy its not too bad and I honestly haven't moaned half as much as I could :)

With this said I have managed to make another minion for my friends daughter and a few flower brooches for the craft market in March. I do need to get a wriggle on with the items for the craft market though as it will come around ever so fast and I want to be prepared.

I am having a less busy week allowing for time to recover from the cold and to try and get some evenings in when I can get my wool and hooks out. Tonight will hopefully be productive as I have the evening to myself.
I think this calls for a bottle of wine, some good crocheting and possibly a little bit of Ryan Gosling on TV????

Even the thought puts me in a good place :)

Wednesday 30 January 2013

My first craft fair - booked!

Well I've done it! I have booked a table at a local craft market in Bristol on 2nd March! Not sure if its the most sensible idea but I am an impulsive person and will let fate decide whether I sink or swim.

 I'm now in the process of making a list of things to make. So far I have the following ideas;

Flower brooches
Heart (3D) keychains
Mini Minions
Granny square pin cushions
Mug cosies
Crochet owls

Iphone socks
Knitted bunnies and chicks for eggs
Bunny nuggets
Knitted headbands

I don't want to go mad as I have a small table but I also want to ensure people can buy what they want. I've ordered business cards and will be making a sign but any other tips or suggestions will be appreciated!

I will post some photos of the event and my goods - if I ever make them all!!!!
Wish me luck :)

Monday 28 January 2013

New inspiration

Just spent that last two days getting inspiration for my next crochet project! I could literally lose days wandering around the amazing posts people put up showing their work.

Now I have made enough Minions to start my own army (and a few from some adoring fans!) I am turning my attention to my granny square throw. I've made 10 of these and have decided to make 10 a week. To complete this project I am looking to make 400 so I have no plans on using this throw to warm me up on the extremely cold winters nights that the South West of England is experiencing at the moment - maybe for next year........

Since making Woolley the Spider and Splodge the Minion I have got a bit of an addition to making crocheted characters so will be looking at making some bunnies and chicks to house easter eggs this year.

I'm also looking into a potential new crafty business venture but you will have to wait and see on that one..........

I will be posting some granny square photos this evening - all encouragement on this project is gratefully received!

Wednesday 23 January 2013


Keep up to date with my projects and wishlist through my Pinterest boards -